
flat peaches Learn more about flat peaches

  • How much is the Xinjiang flat peach per jin now? What's the difference between peach and peach?

    How much is the Xinjiang flat peach per jin now? What's the difference between peach and peach?

    At the mention of flat peach, many people will think of the flat peach club in Journey to the West and think that flat peach is a kind of fairy peach. In fact, flat peach is a kind of peach with good taste. How much is it per jin of Xinjiang flat peach? What's the difference between peach and peach? First, Xinjiang flat peach introduction: 1. New

    2020-11-08 Now Xinjiang flat peaches more less money one jin and peaches there are
  • Is the flat peach of Rosaceae a peach? How much is the market price per jin? How many years does it blossom? What's the difference between peach and peach?

    Is the flat peach of Rosaceae a peach? How much is the market price per jin? How many years does it blossom? What's the difference between peach and peach?

    Flat peach, also known as Xianguo and Birthday Bun with Bean Paste Filling, is the staple food of the flat peach club in Journey to the West. it is deeply loved by people because of its high iron content and rich vitamins. At present, the prices on the market are all small. Is that flat peach a dish peach? How much is the market price per jin? How many years does it blossom? And

    2020-11-09 Rose family flat peach yes peach Mo market price more less money
  • How much is a flat peach sapling? How many months will it mature?

    How much is a flat peach sapling? How many months will it mature?

    I learned about flat peaches for the first time from the allusions of the flat peach event. The flat peach in fairy tales is a very common fruit in today's society. So, how much is a flat peach sapling? When will the flat peach ripen? First, how much is a flat peach seedling?

    2020-11-09 Flat peaches saplings more less money one several months mature for the first time
  • How to grow the latest flat peaches

    How to grow the latest flat peaches

    When it comes to flat peaches, we must all think of a plot in Journey to the West, that is, Sun WuKong has a banquet of flat peaches, which can lead to immortality and a great increase in power. In fact, this is all a myth. Flat peach in real life is a variety of peach plants.

    2020-11-10 The latest flat peach how to plant speaking of presumably we all will
  • How to grow flat peaches

    How to grow flat peaches

    How to grow flat peaches

  • How do you grow flat peaches? Are you clear about the selection of varieties?

    How do you grow flat peaches? Are you clear about the selection of varieties?

    Everyone's understanding of flat peaches should be from childhood in the Journey to the West. When we were young, when we watched Journey to the West, Sun WuKong loved to eat peaches in the sky, which were big and red and very attractive. In fact, flat peach is a variety of peach, which is more common in our life now.

    2020-11-09 Flat peach how planting variety selection you clear everybody yes
  • What are the characteristics of Zhongmu 11 flat peach?

    What are the characteristics of Zhongmu 11 flat peach?

    Eating peaches in summer is an essential thing. In the season when peaches are on the market, it will be a pleasure to buy two peaches and eat them after tea and dinner. As a peach lover, have you ever heard of Zhongmu No. 11 flat peach? What is Zhongli No. 11 flat peach No. 11 is

    2020-11-08 Zhongli No. 11 flat peach characteristics which summer eat peach is
  • How to grow flat peach planting methods and matters needing attention

    How to grow flat peach planting methods and matters needing attention

    People know that flat peach this kind of food comes from mythical drama, in fact, it is a variety of peaches in real life, but its status in peaches is still very high. Because of its nutritional value of tonifying qi and blood, nourishing yin and promoting fluid, as well as edible value, it is affected by

    2020-11-08 Flat peach how to plant plant method and points for attention big public
  • What are the varieties of peaches? Characteristics of five varieties of hard meat peach / yellow peach / honey peach / nectarine / flat peach

    What are the varieties of peaches? Characteristics of five varieties of hard meat peach / yellow peach / honey peach / nectarine / flat peach

    Peach is a common fruit in our daily life, and we have also heard of peach grafting technology. How many kinds of peaches do you know? Do you know the varieties of peaches introduced below? 1. Hard-meat peach, also known as crispy peach, is common in the market

    2019-06-23 Peach what are the varieties hard meat peach yellow peach
  • Flat peach, an excellent variety of peach

    Flat peach, an excellent variety of peach

    Flat peach 1. The characteristics of Zaolu flat peach variety: the tree posture is open, and the tree potential is moderate. All kinds of fruit branches can bear fruit, most of them are compound flower buds, and the initial nodes of flower buds are 1 ~ 2 nodes with high yield. The flower is rose type and has a large amount of pollen. The fruit matured on June 10 in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, and the fruit development period was 67 days. The cooling capacity is 750 hours. The fruit is medium-sized, with an average weight of 68 grams and a maximum of 95 grams. The fruit is flat, the top of the fruit is concave, and the suture is light; the peel is milky yellow, 50% covered with red halo, medium hairs and easy to peel off.

  • Top Ten Peach producing areas in China

    Top Ten Peach producing areas in China

    Peach is a kind of fruit that many people like to eat. at present, it is the season when peaches are on the market in large quantities. Basically, all kinds of peaches can be bought at fruit stalls. China is rich in peaches, high-quality planting areas are widely distributed, and varieties are also very rich. Next, we...

    2020-11-27 China the top ten peaches producing areas is a lot of people love to eat
  • A New very late ripening flat Peach Variety 'Rui '21'

    A New very late ripening flat Peach Variety 'Rui '21'

    Flat peach is a variety of peach and is a special resource in China. The Institute of Forestry Fruit trees of Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences has carried out the flat peach breeding program since the end of 1970s, and many varieties have been widely popularized in production, but the extremely late-maturing varieties with fruit development period of more than 160 days are still rare. 'Ruifei 21'(see Fengsan Sancai photo) is a new very late maturing flat peach variety obtained by crossing 'fantasy' × 'Ruili No. 4' (1996). It passed the Beijing crop Variety examination and approval Committee in 2006.

  • What are the top ten famous peaches in China?

    What are the top ten famous peaches in China?

    Peach is a fruit that many people like to eat. It is rich in nutrition and unique in taste, and is deeply loved by consumers. There are many varieties of peaches on the market, and different varieties have different tastes, but there are always some varieties that are deeply loved by people and are rated as one of the top ten famous peaches in China.

    2020-11-27 China ten daimyo peach which yes a lot of people
  • What are the common varieties of peaches?

    What are the common varieties of peaches?

    China is the hometown of peach trees, and peaches have a long history of planting in our country. Peaches can be eaten in a variety of ways, which can be eaten raw or made into preserved peaches or canned peaches. After long-term planting and improvement, there have been many varieties of peaches. So we all know that peaches have

    2020-11-09 Peach have which common variety I the country is peach tree
  • Ruili No. 3 flat peach

    Ruili No. 3 flat peach

    1. The variety was bred in 1995 by the Forest and Fruit Institute of Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. The parents are: Okubo × Chenpu flat peach. two。 Characteristics of medium-ripe, white meat flat peach. The fruit matured at the end of July or early August in Beijing, and the fruit development period was 105 days. The fruit is large, with an average single fruit weight of 220 grams and a large fruit weight of 276 grams. The fruit is flat and round, with a concave top. Hard solute, sweet flavor. The fruit noodles are flushed and spotted with roses above 1x2. Sticky core. There is a slight crack in the roof. The yield is strong, with an average yield of about 2000 kg per mu in the full fruit period. Tree potential

  • Mountain peach

    Mountain peach

    Mountain peach is a common deciduous tree in the north. The dark purple smooth and shiny bark is very popular, and mountain peaches are planted in many parks and street green spaces in Beijing. Honeysuckle blossoms around March 10 every year. Mountain peach, also known as mountain peach kernel, is a perennial deciduous tree of Rosaceae, with a height of 1.5-2.5 meters and a full growth period of 25-30 years. It can grow in most parts of the country. Mountain peach originally wild in the major mountain areas and semi-mountainous areas, strong adaptability to the natural environment, the general soil can grow. No requirements for soil.

  • Peach varieties: what are the best peach varieties? Which varieties are popular?

    Peach varieties: what are the best peach varieties? Which varieties are popular?

    China is a big peach growing country, which is rich in variety resources, and its cultivation technology is in the leading position in the world. Therefore, in recent years, although some peach varieties have been introduced from abroad, it has not had a great impact on peach production in China. In China's seedling market last year, the more popular peach varieties are almost all local varieties. So, what kind of peach is more popular at present? Zhang Shubin, a researcher at the Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, answered this question. Experts in the industry usually divide peaches into white peaches and nectarines according to their appearance characteristics.

  • According to Chunfeng, a new peach variety Tainong 3, what are the characteristics of Chunfeng variety Tainong 3?

    According to Chunfeng, a new peach variety Tainong 3, what are the characteristics of Chunfeng variety Tainong 3?

    Peach tree has been a symbol of longevity and auspiciousness since ancient times. Fresh peach fruit is not only perfect in appearance, bright in color, but also juicy and delicious, fragrant and attractive, so it is loved by Chinese people. According to the Annual report of Agricultural Statistics in 1999, the planting area of peaches in Taiwan was 2404 hectares, with an annual output.

    2019-05-28 Honey peach new variety Tainong No. 3 Chunfeng introduction varieties are
  • Early dew flat peach

    Early dew flat peach

    In 1978, the Forest and Fruit Research Institute of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry was selected from the cross of Sahua Hongpan peach × Zaoxiang jade. The original code is 3Mui 34mi 14. The fruit is flat, the top of the fruit is sunken, and the suture is shallow; the average weight of a single fruit is 68 grams, and the maximum weight of the fruit is 95 grams; the peel is milky yellow, 50% covered with red, medium hairs, easy to peel off; the flesh is milky white, reddish near the core, hard solute, fine, slightly fragrant, sweet flavor; soluble solids 9.0%. Sticky kernel, small kernel, high edible rate of fruit. There are very few split nuclei. The tree is in the middle of the mean.

  • Peach Blossom-- the captive of Love

    Peach Blossom-- the captive of Love

    Peach blossoms, that is, the blooming flowers of peach trees, belong to the rose family. The leaves are elliptic-lanceolate and the drupe is nearly globular. It is mainly divided into two categories: peach and peach. Peach blossoms are native to central and northern China and have been widely planted in temperate countries and regions in the world.
